School Day Schedule

Supervision Begins 8:35am

Entry Bell 8:45am

Block 1 8:50 - 10:30am

Nutrition Break 10:30 - 11:10am (20 minutes inside followed by 20 minutes outside)

Block 2 11:10am - 12:50pm

Nutrition Break 12:50 - 1:30pm (20 minutes inside followed by 20 minutes outside)

Block 3 1:30 - 3:10pm

Dismissal 3:10pm

Supervision ends at 3:25pm

All students arriving after 9:15am must come to the office to sign in and get a late slip. Students arriving before this time will go straight to class where their teacher will mark them late. Kindergarten students should always sign in at the office.

Parents (or designated contacts) must always come into the office to sign the students out if they are leaving early.

EARLY DISMISSAL SCHEDULE (Friday before Winter Break and Last day of School)

Supervision Begins 8:35am

Block 1 8:50 - 10:00am

Nutrition Break 10:00 - 10:40am

Block 2 10:40 - 11:50am

Nutrition Break 11:50am - 12:30pm

Block 3 12:30 - 1:40pm

Dismissal 1:40pm

Supervision ends at 1:55pm