What is Home & School?

Greetings from Gladys Speers Home and School Association!

The  Home and School Association has a long tradition at Gladys Speers. As a group of parent volunteers we work very closely with the school's administration and staff.  One of the primary roles of Home and School is to raise funds to purchase items for the school that benefit teachers, staff and students.  In the past the Gladys Speers Home and School Association has raised the funds needed for the play structure in the back playground,  for all five kindergarten Smartboards, iPads for all students, two iPad charging carts and curriculum guides in Social Studies and Science for every grade level.  We have also paid for in-school presentations for every grade including Scientists in the Classroom and Arts and Literacy Day, as well as family events like Math Night, Arts and Literacy Night and more.   In the past, the Home and School Association has paid for the Outdoor Classroom,  literacy materials, music and gym equipment, plants and shrubs for the Kindergarten area, recess equipment,  speakers for the data projectors , "Mind Up" Curriculum teacher resources, a colour printer for the special education department, licences for all Kindergarten students to be on the Raz Kids reading program,  10 Chromebooks for the junior classes and more!

We meet in the staff room at the school at 6:30pm and all are welcome.  Sometimes our trustee attends Home and School meetings to answer questions and share information. There is always a principal's report and a report from a teacher rep.   To belong to the Gladys Speers Home and School Association a membership of $15 per family is collected which is sent in whole to the OFHSA.  You DO NOT have to be a voting member to attend meetings.  Everyone is welcome to attend meetings to ask questions and get information.

The Gladys Speers Home and School Association is a member of the Ontario Federation of Home and School Associations (OFHSA).  To find out more about the OFHSA go to http://www.ofhsa.on.ca/about.aspx

If you would like to get involved with the Home and School Association at Gladys Speers this year helping with things like pizza on Thursdays, popcorn days,  ice cream sales, staff appreciation week, the Fun Fair or more please contact the school at 905-827-4841 or send an email to gladysspeershomeandschool@gmail.com.

We look forward to another amazing year at Gladys Speers!